Enum SystemCursorType
Represents system mouse cursor icons.
Namespace: OpenTK.Core.Platform
Assembly: OpenTK.Core.dll
public enum SystemCursorType
Name | Description |
ArrowE | A resize cursor pointing east. |
ArrowEW | A resize cursor with arrows pointing east and west. |
ArrowFourway | A cursor with arrows pointing in all four direction. |
ArrowN | A resize cursor pointing north. |
ArrowNE | A resize cursor pointing northeast. |
ArrowNESW | A resize cursor with arrows pointing northeast and southwest. |
ArrowNS | A resize cursor with arrows pointing north and south. |
ArrowNW | A resize cursor pointing northwest. |
ArrowNWSE | A resize cursor with arrows pointing northwest and southeast. |
ArrowS | A resize cursor pointing south. |
ArrowSE | A resize cursor pointing southeast. |
ArrowSW | A resize cursor pointing southwest. |
ArrowUp | A cursor pointing up. |
ArrowW | A resize cursor pointing west. |
Cross | A cursor with a cross. |
Default | Default mouse cursor. |
Forbidden | A cursor which tells the user they can't do something (like a crossed out red circle.) |
Hand | A cursor with a hand. |
Help | A cursor with a quetion mark. |
Loading | A mouse cursor to tell the user something is loading (like an arrow with an hour glass.) |
TextBeam | A cursor which is displayed when text is selectable. |
Wait | A mouse cursor to tell the user to wait. (like an hour glass). |